Why did the Philadelphia aircraft come down so fast?
ah alcohol it's why I get up in the morning how my mom made it through her pregnancy and why I'm not allowed within 50 ft of a horse booze is the most committed relationship I'll ever have but some people know nothing about commitment dry January the challenge of giving of drinking for the first month of the year is growing in popularity happy dry January it's the month where folks ditch the booze and go alcohol free one report found that 25% of American adults completed dry January last year A lot of people are going to be doing dry January I have done dry January every year now for 3 years well goody goodie for you it must be nice to have the luxury of giving up booze while the rest of us are trapped in reality wildfires bird flu crippling gambling deaths if you're not blacking out every single night you're not paying attention and by the way why are we giving up alcohol in January it's colder than Jack Frost dick all your fat friends are posting gym selfies and it gets dark faster than Justin Trudeau's face on Halloween oh please me I'd much rather give up booze in May the weather is warm and I'm already coked up for cinko DEA but for those of you not sure about dry January don't worry there's something even dumber for some people that looks dry for others it might look damp a damp January would mean only drinking on special occasions adding more dry days to your month or consuming fewer drinks in each sitting damp January are you [ __ ] me damp January sounds like someone I paid for a lap dance in the 80s just say drinking less not everything needs a label I'm in a short-term situationship no you got a hand job from a coat check girl now move on with your life quitting booze may seem like a good idea today but once tick tock goes away you're going to be getting hammered at Dave and Busters with me and Pete hexit fair warning I tend to [ __ ] my pants on Dance Dance Revolution now I get it some of you don't like fun but if you're out with your [ __ ] friends and you can't drink booze surely there must be something you can drink during dry January people sip on mocktails cocktails without any alcohol content there are great non-alcoholic wines beers and spirits that are on the market today Global sales of no and low alcohol products reaching more than $13 billion last year companies are cashing into Stars releasing non-alcoholic products like Katy Perry's booze free beverage line Des swwa a great time and Tom Holland's non-alcoholic beer company Bureau this is uh from proxies this is their bubbly Rosé you add alcoholic you wanted to you could you could woe an alcohol free drink that you can add alcohol to if only Thomas Edison were alive to see this look if I ever order an Elderberry hibiscus Fizz be sure to garnish it with a loaded gun these drinks sound almost as fun as getting an enema which by the way you can also add alcohol too it's called boofing Google it but listen if the eighth best Spider-Man can cash in on the mocktail boo so can I introducing Louis Black's dry January bodka it's just regular vodka and you can sit in the corner and watch me drink it it even comes with a blanket to throw over me once I pass out now that's what I call a situationship [Music] now to Aviation attorney s lagonia s thank you for being with us let's let's first talk about what we're seeing on the video we'll keep playing this and that is the the actual missil like uh descent that we just showed it on the screen and then explosion when it hits uh what can you glean from that video I think i' I think I've watched that video over and over maybe about hundred times already now um and the one thing that really stands out is the angle of descent that thing is coming down like you said it's like a rocket um I first thought that that may have been what hit Philadelphia until we realized it was an airplane airplanes it's hard to do that with an airplane as as short and stubby as the wings are on a l jet 55 you you still have that ability to move forward with a plane on the most circumstances at the word catastrophic has been bandied about all night that had to happen on board whether it was catastrophic engine failure in both engines in which case you would have expected that there would have been a m a call but listening to the the tape of the tower um they there was no M aall um or some kind of fuel exhaustion or fuel it wouldn't been fuel exhaustion but it would have been fuel contamination that took both engines out at the same time and then we get into the type of aircraft that is it's a it's a metac aircraft which has oxygen on board and my understanding that the police have found at least one oxygen tank far away from the scene that could indicate that it came out of the aircraft while aircraft was descending from 1 1600 ft it wasn't up that high well it was at600 feet then dropping you know 2400 feet per minute as you said you know shooting down to earth like a like a rocket um you can almost see it's it's traveling at this high speed Full Throttle nose down is a do you see a possib ility of maybe a stall and and would that result in that trajectory or no I I agree with the other guess I think that's highly unlikely I think there's something much more going on uh before the plane starts down um it really it really is out of control you could see it you could see something venting out of the plane as it's coming down if you look closely um and then finally when it hits the ground and makes that huge explosion why because it's full of fuel it's starting its trip back to Springfield um and so there's a lot of fuel on board almost 1,000 gallons of fuel and that's going to hit any spark is going to create a an explosion the likes of what we saw and yeah they will load Cloud covers so that's going to make the explosion look even worse but but frankly you know it it it you're looking at the amount of fires in the area that's from the airplane hitting the ground so hard that its fuel is spraying out and hitting the mall hitting the car that are in the vicinity and there there were I think three houses also that were on fire so would you say that the more likely scenario is that the airplane was in a nose down you know at altitude with with full throttles based on that velocity and how could that happen What scenario what What scenario would cause that well not not necessarily full throttle because it if it's starting to fall it's going to start picking up speed just from Gravity um but what could cause it there's a whole host of things and as I went through my usual list of trying to figure out what could have happened normally you know what do we normally see when we have an accident like this there are so many things that I couldn't check off yet because we don't know enough quite yet we've got to get more information it's going to be hard in this case because the the aircraft itself is consumed in the in the fire the ntsp is going to have their work cut out for one of the first things they'll do is they'll try to find the footprint of the airplane find out where the left wing is where the right wing is where all these things landed and where they land sometimes can help them determine how fast it was coming down and how much force there was used prior to the The Descent that we saw yeah well uh I want to give an update the the mayor of Philly said they they don't have any information on the fatalities the mayor mayor says everyone should stay away from the scene she confirmed what we all know that we lost an aircraft we don't have any further information if you see debris call 911 uh which I think is is good advice uh as I mentioned president Trump has commented publicly on Truth social uh quote so sad to see the plane go down in Philadelphia Pennsylvania more innocent souls are lost our people are totally engaged First Responders are already being given credit for doing a great job more to follow God bless you all um it's always sad to see something like that is it yeah it really is and I'm I'm glad to see President Trump is out in in front of this and Duffy is is involved secretary Duffy um it's good to get the the hups out there be the point people put people on give them some confidence in in the aviation system after the couple of days that we've just had it it's a little hard to do that but Aviation is safe the these two incidents are not related these two incidents are very different and when we get to the bottom of it we will that's what makes Aviation so safe we have the ntsp they will give us a probable cause at some point when they can and when they're sure of all the evidence and that's going to make Aviation even safer we have as aviators we have an obligation to do that for the people after us yeah we really do s we really appreciate your time as always thank you for being with us